Tuesday, July 10, 2012

End of Life Decisions and the Heart

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

I was at a prayer meeting listening to an older Pastor praying. He said, "I have been a Pastor most of my life and I am still amazed over the things that still come into my heart and mind." Listening to this prayer of confession from such an old and experienced Pastor reminded me how wicked the heart really is. In the last eight years I have come to realize there is no parent safe from the heart of man not even a child. I am aware of situations where the child of an elderly resident asked if the facility could euthanize. I am aware of another individual who asked the facility to "just cremate my mother and mail me the ashes". I am not aware of the situations of these families but I like to think I could never express those attitudes toward my mother or father. 

There are three areas of the heart that I believe come into consideration in every end of life decision. The first is greed. In many cases some feel their parent cannot die soon enough so they can receive the inheritance. Families are breaking up all over America fighting over their parents leftovers. It is a clear indication greed is a concern. We need to remember as Jesus said, even if we wish someone were dead then we are a murderer at heart (Matthew 5). If the heart could be exposed at the moment of decision perhaps we would see the reason someone decides to terminate their aging parent is because they want their parents belongings. Paul reminds us that "People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs (1Timothy 6:9). 

The second sin of the heart is selfishness. It falls close behind the desire for money but with this I am thinking more in line with being relieved of the responsibility to care for the aging person. It is hard work caring for an aging love one. It will consume much of your time and resources. The desire to make a decision to end a love ones life may simply be a selfish opportunity to get out of the current situation. Paul says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, but especially to those who belong to our own household (Galatians 6:9).   

The third sin of the heart again seems to flow out of the previous two. It is the sin of carnality or flesh. Here I am thinking of our spiritual duties. We are to care for the aging. I remember being humbled by my inadequacies of caring for the needs  around the aging population. I remember being told, "Remember you are not carrying their burdens rather you are carrying their burdens to the Lord." Wow! What a timely word from a dear friend. We can get really confused if we carry the burden of our love one without realizing that as believers you are not carrying them yourself but carrying them to Jesus. The most important thing any person can do during these final days if pray and share your faith.

Anyone who runs a marathon will realize you set a pace to finish the race. You have paced yourself to give yourself a chance to win the race during the last few yards. It is these last few yards that people begin to cheer for you - edging you on to finish strong. I think life is like a marathon race where everyone who is aging needs to hear us cheer for them. It can be the most challenging and most difficult time of any ones life. They are facing death and the reality of dying. They are fighting their last battle with great pain and they need your prayers and words of comfort and encouragement. The decision may be to end their life but do not allow that decision to come without a fight. Fight your greedy heart. Fight your selfish heart. Fight your carnal heart. And pray about every decision and motive of the heart that it might be pleasing to God in whatever you decide.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What's Important When Considering The End of Life?

The reason one must embrace death before one can live through the last chapter of life includes several reasons. The first is entrusting the end of life to God. It is very important to understand that my times are in God's hands (Psalms 31:15). All of my days ordained for me were written in His book before one came to be (Psalm 139:16). He determines the times set for us and the exact places where we should live (Acts 17:26). Surely this would include God determining you shall live your final chapter at the local nursing home. In God's providences he orchestrates a multitude of forces to place one in their current situation. When Jesus calmed the storm he directed the jet stream long before the moment arrived and perhaps even affected the elements even to this day. Remember God knows the sparrow and when it falls from the sky and all the necessary things are in place for the hunter to be able to shoot the sparrow from the sky. The bird and the hunter had a divine appointment and the atmosphere was just right for the bullet to travel through the sky hitting the sparrow perfectly to remove him from the sky. God has your end determined precisely as well.

It reminds me of a story of a young man caught in the rip-tides during a hurricane. He was tossed by the waves as he rolled along the sand unable to come to the surface when someone grabbed him and pulled him to shore. The young man grasp for air breathing heavily as he said "God is good" at which time his rescuer whispers in his ear "God is good whether he spared your life or not." God's goodness is not based upon where you spend your final days or how you come to an end. You must embrace God's goodness despite your situation. Where else will you go? God is your only help.

You may not understand God's wonderful plan but certainly you have learned and trust that suffering has a God pleasing purpose. If not then trust Paul when he says "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us" (Romans 8:18). Like a woman at child birth forgets her suffering the moment she hears the crying child you too will forget your suffering when you hear the Savior's voice. John told us emphatically "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). Remember when we are weak He is strong an shortening our suffering will also shorten His grace. Your opportunity to glorify God in your end of life suffering will come to an end. You will have missed the opportunity.

We also want to remember that the eternal rewards and eternal welfare of the soul is far more important than the short term good of the comforts of the flesh.  Paul said "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). Perhaps we can say when visiting the hospital or nursing home it is far greater to think about how we will phrase our prayers and which Bible passages we will share with our loved one then how we can save them from the current painful situation.

I remember visiting a resident of a local nursing home when she went into the hospital. She laid there lifeless and I just whispered in her ear this is why you went to church all of your life to strengthen you for this moment so trust Jesus. Lean on him. Give him your life to him now. Believe on him and his goodness. Don't look at your current situation just embrace him. Trust him with your life. You've been taught this all of your life for this final moment. Exercise your faith as you have all your life and trust him. Trust and Obey. There is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to Trust and Obey. Submit to His Sovereign grace and trust him with your life.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Living Legacies One In A Million

I tell my wife when she spends money, "honey your on the wrong side of capitalism!" You either spend money to purchase what someone else creatively made or your the one being creative. Your either spending money to buy someone elses product or making a product to sell yourself. Why is it that some people can think of the craziest, silliest and senseless thing only to have people buy it up like crazy? Remember all those passing fads of yester-year? Remember Webkins? Every child had to have one. You bought the silly beannie pet then you'd name it, you'd go online and register it and then you had to feed and water it everyday or it would die and when it died you had to purchase another one to play on the website! Ugh!

I have an idea that I do not believe is crazy. In fact I believe it teaches us a very good lesson. If everyone does a little then we can accomplish a lot. I wanted to establish something that sets a small goal yet makes a person feel like a million bucks no matter how little they are able to give. This was the birth of a fundraising campaign that I am very excited about - the "One In A Million Campaign!"  

Do you remember the story of a guy who traded a house for one red paper clip?

Now that's a crazy idea! Who would ever believe that could happen? This has inspired me to start with something real simple where one person sends $1 per month to Living Legacies Inc, 213 Sawgrass Drive, Savannah, GA 31405.  I will place your name on my website and you and I can watch as it catches on around the world. Think of what you and I could accomplish if everyone would just give a little ($1 per month). The only question left to ask is who will be first? Who will start the campaign off with the first dollar?

Send your name, address and email so I can email a reminder each month of your commitment. I will also place your name, city and state on my website (http://www.livinglegaciesinc.net/) to track the giving to see how far and wide this program reaches. The money will go to the work of Living Legacies Inc - A nonprofit 501c3 ministry dedicated to honoring the aging population.  Living Legacies One in a Million Campaign - Will you be one of the million to give $1 per month? Come on! You can find that much change in the ashtray of your car. Go get it an send it in!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Understanding Death

IN the past seven years I have experienced a lot of death. I was a pastor of a small church near Tarboro, NC when Hurricane Hugo caused the eastern North Carolina floods back in the late 90's. I moved to Savannah, GA in 2002 and was here for the Sugar Refinery explosion back in the mid 2000's. I was an on call chaplain for a local hospital and worked in the extended care facilities as well. You can say death has followed me now for over seven years. Death has become so real and so certain in life that I find great comfort and satisfaction in helping aging people through this season of life. I like to say I have the ministry of walking people "through the valley of the shadow of death" (Psalm 23:4). I comfort people to "fear no evil" for God is with you (Psalm 23:4).

Even though these seasons are tough times nobody should be caught off guard by it. Death is a normal occurrence in this life and it will happen to every single person who will ever live (Hebrews 9:27). The quicker you can embrace the reality of death the sooner you can begin to live. The only two differences in the experience of death for each person are how each person will die and how long that person had to live -some die very young and others die very old. There are several truths pertaining to death that are very important to us in understanding life.

The first question is why? Why does death exist? Death exists because of the judgment of God (Genesis 2:17) against Adam's sin (Genesis 3: 19). Therefore death entered the world through Adam (Romans 5:12; 1Corinthians 15:21-22). Because of sin God appointed every man to die once. The next question is when, when will a man die? This is something that no man knows for sure. God has ordered our days. Job stated that "his days are determined" and that God has "appointed limits" that no man can extend their life (Job 14:5). In reality there is no reason or promise of one more breath. We must regard death as imminent and we must regard death as coming quickly (Psalm 39:4-5; 1Peter 1:24). We also must prepare ourselves for the inevitable (Psalm 90:12) by understanding that God is Sovereign and in control of life and death (Psalm 31:15; 139:16; Acts 17:26). There is great comfort in accepting death as coming from the Sovereign wisdom of God.

The first benefit is no sickness, disease, operation or person can take your life apart from God's wisdom. You can face surgeries and adversaries without fear knowing they have no control over whether you live or die. Remember Jesus facing his adversary Pilate? Pilate said, "Do You now know that I have the power to crucify You or release You? In which Jesus responded, "You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above" (John 19:10-11). Be comforted with this understanding - no one has the power over Life but One - Jesus Christ!

Serve Jesus Christ with boldness or face death with boldness for your God is Sovereign!!

Natural death is insignificant. There are things more important than natural death. The Bible says we are not to fear men who can only cause natural death but fear God who has the power to end life or give life(Matthew 10:28; 16:26). The Psalmist said "You turn men back to dust, saying, "Return to dust, O sons of man..." (Psalm 90:2-5). The Lord brings death and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and raises up (1Samuel 2:6). In order to face death we must give our lives completely over to the Lord Jesus.

It is my conviction God does not call anyone to always and in everyway attempt to keep a person alive. It is my conviction there comes a time when we can stop trying to save a loved ones life and let them die. Christians should view death as a door way into the presence of God and Jesus. We should live in such a way that we demonstrate to the fallen world that Heaven is a much better place to be and we are trying to get there not remain here forever.

Every decision should be made with much prayer and guidance from God. If you make a Biblical, Holy Spirit informed decision then I believe there is nothing wrong with trying to keep someone alive. On the other hand I equally feel there is a time when we begin to see all attempts to saving a life is futile and we should let them die. God will lead you to attempt to save a person's life and He will lead you when it is time to pull life support. Make sure the decision is bathed in prayer and you remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and you stay true to your convictions and conscience. God is in control of life and death. We never want to take part in causing death but there are times when we can stop trying to keep someone alive so they will naturally die. God is the Sustainer of life and when the Sustainer stops sustaining the only life one has at this point is an artificial life.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Old Folks Are Worth a Fortune!

Old folks are worth a fortune! With silver in their hair, gold in their teeth, stones in their kidneys, lead in their feet and gas in their stomachs.

I have become a lot more social with the passing of the years; some might even call me a frivolous old gal. I'm seeing five men everyday. As soon as I wake, Will Power helps me get out of bed. Then I go to see John. Then Charley Horse comes along,and when he is here he takes a lot of my time and attention. When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day. He doesn't like to stay in one place very long, so he takes me from joint to joint. After such a busy day, I'm really tired and glad to go to bed with Ben Gay. What a life!

The preacher came the other day. He said that at my age, I should be thinking about the here after. I told him I do - all the time. No matter where I am - in the parlor, upstairs in the kitchen, downstairs in the basement - I ask myself, "Now what am I here after?"

(Author Unknown, Found in Dear Abby Article)

Are You One In A Million?

Living Legacies Inc is set to launch one of the most exciting fundraising campaigns ever - The "One in a Million Campaign". If you wish to be "One in a Million" and have your name listed as a contributor to Living Legacies Inc then continue to follow Living Legacies Inc to see how you can be involved.
The aging community will increase from 12 million to 86 million over the age of 65 in the next 50 years. When most people are planting churches to reach the next generation Living Legacies Inc is seeking to honor the legacies of the aging community. These individuals should be honored and not forgotten and Living Legacies Inc is established to make sure this will happen - and you will soon be able to be involved.
Pastors - this is a worthy cause for your church and it would be a great benefit to the Kingdom of God and the Glory of God if you would agree to be the arm of Christ in helping to extend a helping hand to the elderly through Living Legacies Inc. The first ministry of the church in the 1st century was the elders making the church aware that the widows were being neglected (Acts 6). I am repeating the call in the 21st century - the widows are being neglected. I hope the response will be that of the 1st century - a ministry has already been established to meet the need now we just need your financial support and prayers.
I am praying for one million people to simply be willing to place $1 each month in an envelope and send it too: Living Legacies Inc, 213 Sawgrass Drive, Savannah, GA. 31405. Upon receiving this gift you will be added to the list of "One in a Million" who contribute to Living Legacies Inc on a monthly basis. Please pray and follow the progress of Living Legacies Inc "One in a Million Campaign".

Monday, March 19, 2012

Immanuel by Charles Spurgeon

When once I mourned a load of sin;
When conscience felt a wound within;
When all my works were thrown away;
When on my knees I knelt to pray,
Then, blissful hour, remembered well,
I learned Thy love, Immanuel.

When storms of sorrow toss my soul;
When waves of care around me roll;
When comforts sink, when joys shall flee;
When hopeless griefs shall gape for me,
One word the tempest's rage shall quell
That word, Thy name, Immanuel.

When for the truth I suffer shame;
When foes pour scandal on my name;
When cruel taunts and jeers abound;
When "Bulls of Bashan" gird me round,
Secure within Thy tower I'll dwell--
That tower, Thy grace, Immanuel.

When hell enraged lifts up her roar;
When Satan stops my path before;
When fiends rejoice and wait my end;
When legioned hosts their arrows send,
Fear not, my soul, but hurl at hell
Thy battle-cry, Immanuel.

When down the hill of life I go;
When o'er my feet death's waters flow;
When in the deep'ning flood I sink;
When friends stand weeping on the brink,
I'll mingle with my last farewell
Thy lovely name, Immanuel.

When tears are banished from mine eye;
When fairer worlds than these are nigh;
When heaven shall fill my ravished sight;
When I shall bathe in sweet delight,
One joy all joys shall far excel,
To see Thy face, Immanuel.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Story of a Living Legacy

Ailene is a charter member of one of our local churches. She has been a christian most of her life. She just turned 100 this past August. I want you to experience Ms. Aileen's life so you can see why God touched my heart to start a ministry to the aging here in Savannah, GA called Living Legacies Inc - a ministry dedicate to honoring the aging.

I met Aileen back in 2006. She was just 94 and living in one of our local retirement facilities. I was her pastor and I preached every Sunday at that facility. She was at every church service - to not see Aileen meant something was wrong! She tithed faithfully and always had a kind word after my sermon. Even when her health began to go down hill she was a role model for me and the other aging men and women. She wasn't one to complain about her problems. She'd rather praise the Lord than anything else in her life.

It was in 2010 that her arthritis began to get the best of her. I watched her as she began to grimace in pain. It took a lot for her to get out of her chair and to her walker to make her way back to her room. As time went on my wife and I had to assist her to get up from the chair and once she was up she was able to make it back to the elevator and up to her room. After a while we even had to go to her room to get her and then take her back again.

Aileen now 98 was losing her independence and needed to count on other people to do what she once did for herself. At 94 Aileen moved into the retirement home just after her husband passed away. The next four years she lived by herself tending to her own needs. At 98 years old she no longer could do the things she once did. Now she had to move to an assisted living facility. Luckily she transferred to one of the five extended care facilities that I minister to in Savannah through Living Legacies Inc. Aileen told me after the move, "this is going to be quite a transition but with the help of your ministry I believe I can make it".

It in fact was quite a transition. 98 years and she never had a room mate - had her husband and didn't need anyone. She lived alone in the quietness of her retirement home. Now she enters a place of business where a room by yourself is not an option. The care givers come in regularly day and night, phones ring and voices come over the intercom "Susan, you have a call on line two." "Nurses needed on the west wing - room 294." You would think after the business day ended then you would get some rest but the second shift arrived and the cleaning crew arrived and now the buffers begin to run up and down the halls. Quiet to chaos overnight it seemed. Noises and voices always in your mind. It's enough to drive any man crazy!

Aileen is now 100 years old and very depressed. She doesn't read her Bible because there is no silence or solitude anymore. I have to comfort her often when she says "I am embarrassed to say pastor, I just wish it would all come to an end." I just have to stop what I am doing at that point and remind her that things can always be worse. You can always find someone worse off than you are. I took Ms. Aileen around and showed her other residents who did not even know we entered the room. "Alzheimer's Ms. Aileen", I told her. Then we went back to her room.

I said Ms. Aileen you are 100 years old and you have your mind intact. You can think about your children, and your grandchildren, and even your great-grandchildren. You know them when they come into your room and you can enjoy their laughter, many people are unable to do that you know. That always sparks a conversation and I get to hear about her life when she was 17, how she came to know Jesus Christ, when she met her husband and how long they were married, what careers her children chose, the wives they married and the grandchildren she loves. Oh! How Ms Aileen loves talking about her family!! It brightened her mood and her day.

It's little things like this that help the aging. It is little things like this that makes a ministry great. It's about honoring the aging by giving them a chance to tell their story. It's about being there for them and with them. Seven years ago when I began pouring my life out as a sacrifice of service for the elderly's faith I learned a very important lesson. Every person has two basic needs to love and be loved. I thought I was there for them and it was about me pouring out my love on them. But I quickly learned that I am not just there to love them but I am also there to give them someone to love. I am just one man loving the aging and I have found that the aging community loves me. I have found through this ministry that you cannot out give God. The more you sow the more you reap. Two of the best things about Living Legacies ministry to the aging is I get to love the aging community and I get loved in return.

I've already received more than I deserve but I want to continue being there for the aging community as they enter our extended care facilities. Everyone needs money and with the economy in the shape that it is in I've been told I am crazy for starting a business. I just trust God and want to continue what God has prepared me to do over the last seven years. It is people like Ms. Aileen who get me up each day and give me meaning and purpose in this life. I really covet your prayers in this matter. Pray that God would provide the funds for me to continue what I do. It's not really about the money. It's about people like Aileen. It's about pleading for her and advocating for her. It's about using my strengths and abilities to help those who are losing theirs.It's about being God's eyes, feet, voice, hands and heart. We are the body of Christ and I wouldn't want Ms. Aileen to think God abandoned her because the Body of Christ abandoned her. So I continue to go - In His Name and For His Glory. Thanks for keeping Living Legacies Inc in your prayers.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Message Given on 2/12/12

I started preaching through the Epistle to the Philippians at the beginning of the year in Savannah. One of the themes in Philippians is Joy. Therefore I have been giving the aging community principles of joy found in the Book of Philippians. Last week I spoke on the the third joy stealer PRIDE. Paul uses Jesus as an example of humility. If Jesus is God based upon His inward essence and He chose to hold onto that essence loosely or humbly then we who are sinners should not hold to firm to our pride. God did not make mirrors. Man did! God never intended for us to dwell on ourselves as much as we do. God has placed within each of us the desire to dwell on things much bigger than ourselves. We find a sense of wonder and awe when we look at the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, or when we look through the Hubble Telescope and see the galaxies. God never intended for us to dwell on or focus on ourselves.

We think if people would make much of us then we would find joy and happiness but God creates true joy in a more profound way - by dwelling on His Son. In fact our esteem, our joy, our satisfaction are not found in looking in the mirror esteeming and making ourselves look and feel bigger than we really are but our esteem and joy are linked to how high we esteem Christ and how much joy we find in Christ. When we make much of Jesus then God makes much of us. We are joint heirs with Jesus. We are united to Christ in such a way that we receive exaltation from God the same way Jesus received exaltation from His Father. It was through His humility that God "highly exalted Him".

Paul challenged us to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2:12). The key word in this text is "work out" because in Philippians 2:5-8 we studied the word "morphe". From this root word we get metamorphosis. This is the transformation we see in a caterpillar when it becomes a butterfly. There is the inward reality or essence of a butterfly in the caterpillar. After it is "morphed" it leaves the cocoon a butterfly. It could not have become a butterfly unless it had the essence or potential to become a butterfly. The inward essence or reality was there and the metamorphosis was the outward expression of the inward reality. Likewise Jesus was man yet He had the essence of deity within. He is God and the outward expression of humility and sinlessness are directly related to His inward essence. I believe in the impeccability of Christ which means Jesus could not have sinned because He did not have a sin nature as we do but rather He has the very essence and nature of God because He is God.

We must "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling" because "it is God who works in us to will and to act according to His good pleasure"(Phil. 2:13). The key words here are "works in". God works into us a true and real essence of a divine nature through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit becomes a real reality in the believer. The outworking of this inward reality is proof we have a divine nature and saved. God will highly exalt us when we outwardly express a humble spirit.

What does this humble spirit look like? God highly exalted the name of Jesus Christ so that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil. 2:9-11). In other words Jesus' name was highly exalted so that whoever is saved will be humbled to bow the knee and confess Jesus as Lord. God works humility into us so that we will "will and act" according to His purpose and pleasure of bending our knees and confessing Him as Lord. No prideful man will enter Heaven!!

Obedience to His Lordship will be the test of true faith. The Philippians made Paul rejoice because he saw their salvation as consistent obedient Lordship. Philippians were not Paul pleasers but God pleasers. They expressed the inward reality of their salvation by outward humble obedience to His Lordship. Paul said to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling because if you were not expressing outward obedient Lordship then you did not have the reality of the inward essence of a divine nature by the Holy Spirit. The outward reality of Lordship reflected upon the inward reality of the Holy Spirit. If we are embarrassed to obey then perhaps we are not saved. If we are afraid to obey then perhaps we are not saved. If we refuse to obey then we are not saved. Faith without works is not true faith because faith without works is a faith with no inward essence or substance making it impossible to obey. You cannot reflect the Holy Spirit in your life until you have the Holy Spirit in your life.

Examples of humility:

1. Look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others (Phil. 2:4).
2. Jesus made Himself of no reputation (Phil 2:7).
3. Blameless and harmless children of God... being lights to the world (Phil 2:15).

Paul found joy in pouring out his life as a sacrifice. Paul also found joy when he saw others pouring out their life as a sacrifice. When people stop being rivals and hold onto themselves loosely/humbly then the Gospel advances because much is made of Jesus and the Gospel and little is made of self.

Living Legacies Inc is not a rival ministry in Savannah, GA. It is not in competition with other churches and ministries in Savannah. It is for the aging community as I pour out my life as a sacrifice to the aging by advancing the Gospel and preparing people to meet their maker. I preach the Gospel confidently, holding onto my theology humbly, seeking to see people come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. I desire to see everyman bend their knee in humility to Jesus' Lordship and to profess His Lordship with their tongue all for the exaltation of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Should I Be Cremated?

One of the questions often asked when contemplating end of life decisions is: Is it OK for me to be cremated? The Bible says we were made from the dust and we will return to dust (Gen. 2:7; 3:19; Eccl. 3:20). Cremation then speeds up the natural process of decay. If God made man from dust then He certainly can perform the task once again upon the resurrection. There are many ways in which men have died. They have burned to death, died in ship wrecks and left in oceans to be consumed by fish, mutilated beyond recognition in car accidents, and crushed in situations like the World Trade Center catastrophe. God will redeem and raise all of these bodies to eternal life or eternal punishment (1Corinthians 15:35-55; 1Thes. 4:16). Therefore although I do not believe anything is wrong with cremation there are several things each person should take into consideration when considering this option.

First, there isn't one account in the Bible of this kind of burial. In fact we find in the Old Testament dishonor in not giving a person a proper burial. Although some have suggested that burning to death was an act of punishment I do not see cremation as burning to death rather burning the already dead. I also believe you can give proper honor to a loved one and still cremate.

Second, cremation in many cases is more for selfish reasons than moral or immoral ones. The family cremates because it is less expensive than burial. The person dying wishes to be cremated because they can't think of themselves decaying in a grave.

Third, Living Legacies Inc is dedicated to honoring the elderly and Cremation does not allow for the honoring of that person's life. Where will the grave stone be placed in honor of your loved one? How will the life of your loved one be memorialized for future generations? Therefore the "Legacy" of the Christian should be honored in a very tangible way whether you choose burial or cremation. Cremation makes it possible for the ashes to be spilt, lost or stolen and each of these situations would be dishonorable to the deceased.

Finally, a believer should always be considerate of the living before the dead. It is part of the grieving process and the healing process to have a funeral. It gives the family members an opportunity to look the family member in the face and say their final good-byes. The family member who may have never asked for forgiveness may look into the casket and ask their loved one to forgive them. All of these opportunities may be lost if you choose cremation. Therefore I believe this is the strongest reason for not getting cremated - for the sake of those still living. A funeral is not just for the dead but for the living as well!

The Bible teaches us "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Many lost people ignore the reality of death and funerals make us confront death. A good Christian person's funeral can be the last testimony of a life well lived and it offers a visual for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I think every true Christian who is concerned about their families salvation would want their life to be used for the salvation of their loved ones. It is why I always give counsel to the believer to consider not being cremated and allow your life to speak from the casket during your memorial service and pray before your death that God will use your death to bring Glory to God one last time. As Paul himself said "as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or death" (Phil. 1:20)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

So, What's The Hype Concerning the Aging?

To understand the hype and why we need a Nursing Home Ministry that cares for the aging in Savannah, GA begins with understanding why there is an excessive increase in elderly adults. First we have to understand each generation and what has occurred within that particular generation's history. The generation we are most concerned about at Living Legacies Inc is the Baby Boomer Generation. This generation includes all people born between 1946 and 1964. Living Legacies is concerned about this generation because 1946 plus 65 equals 2011, therefore in 2011 the first of the Baby Boomers will reach retirement age. This still doesn't reflect the concern and need of a ministry that reaches out to the aging in Savannah, GA. Therefore lets look at some statistics.

In 1999 only 30% of the population was over the age of 65, only one in every eight people were 65 or older. Two million elderly lived in 20,000 Nursing Homes costing the tax payer $53 billion per year. However the estimates for the year 2030 is one in every five people will be over 65. Five million people will need Nursing Homes costing the tax payer $700 billion.

Now lets do the math! In 1900 there were four million people over 65. In 2000 there were 12 million people over 65 therefore in the last 100 years there was an 8 million person increase in the aging community. The estimate for the future is staggering! There were 12 million people over 65 in the year 2000. The estimate for 2050 is 86.7 million people over the age of 65. In the first 100 years there were only an eight million person increase. But in the next 50 years there will be a 74.7 million person increase. (Administration on Aging, US Department of Health and Human Services)

The government is concerned because of Social Security. The plan for Social Security is people would put into Social Security every year while they worked until they reached 65 and then they could retire and begin to take out of Social Security while others are still putting into Social Security. The problem is there are more Baby Boomers taking out than the next generation is able to put in -bankrupting Social Security. The ultimate problem stems from abortion. We've killed 58 million unborn babies since 1973 wiping out our future. The Presidents' answer to the problem is give the aging pain medication so they can die painlessly treating millions of our people like non-persons. My response is if we are made in the image of God and Jesus Christ died for us all then those who believe in Jesus Christ should be the first to stand up and care for the aging, honoring them as Jesus commanded and treating them like the persons they are.

This is my heart beat. This is why I started Living Legacies Inc "dedicated to honoring the aging". This is why a ministry like this is needed in Savannah, GA. This is why I started this blog to inform you the reader on how you can support this incredible need. Living Legacies Inc is a front line ministry to the aging. The need is great and in the next 50 years it will become even greater. I hope by starting this ministry now we will be able to meet the needs of the future. I hope you will follow me on this blog as Living Legacies Inc begins it's ministry to the aging here in Savannah, GA.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Living Legacies is a nonprofit organization and a ministry of Savannah, GA
dedicated to honoring the aging. Living Legacies is a front line ministry focused
on the aging population. We understand that the aged will be reaching an all
time high in Savannah and across our nation. Living Legacies is a ministry
based on the five key relationships of the aging, their relationship with God,
their relationship with their spouse, their relationship with their children, their
relationship with their church and their relationship with their community and
the world.

Living Legacies is drawing upon the founder’s seven years experience
in the area of pastoral care and counseling to the aging community and their
extended families. Living Legacies primary ministry location is Savannah,
however Living Legacies Inc is established to honor the aging across Savannah
and around the world. You can follow the work of Living Legacies by following
this blog, as well as, Facebook and Twitter. In the future Living Legacies will
incorporate sermon downloads, end of life decisions, selecting a nursing home
and other valuable information for those who wish to care for and honor their
aging love ones. Living Legacies will inform and equip Savannah’s local churches
and families as we look toward honoring the aging together.